A new way to help the world see
Hundreds of millions of people lack the glasses they need. Eyejusters can help.
Our adjustable lenses allow users to simply adjust their glasses to suit their own eyes. We can help make clear vision accessible and affordable for everyone.
The Need
Over 670 million people worldwide lack a pair of glasses that would help them see clearly. This is mainly due to a lack of optometrists in the developing world.
Clear vision is not a luxury. Vision impacts every aspect of life, limiting someone’s ability to work and learn, and affecting personal safety. Glasses have the potential to improve productivity by 35%, while increasing monthly income by 20%. Glasses also extend someone’s working life. WHO calculates that uncorrected poor vision has a huge cost to the global economy of $200bn annually.
How We Help

Eyejusters overcome the need for optometrists by allowing users to adjust the lenses to correct own vision. What’s more, Eyejusters lenses can be re-adjusted when vision needs change and shared among family members.
We work with vision projects around the world who are delivering our glasses. They use Eyejusters to provide people with near and distance vision glasses in places where there are very few optometrists. Our glasses can be brought into the home of those who need them, reaching people who have never had access to eyewear before.
Let's Work Together

If your organisation is interested in working with Eyejusters in the developing world, please get in touch! You can buy a distribution kit or apply to receive glasses donated by our customers through Give & Get.
Distribution of adjustable glasses can be integrated within existing operations, helping to increase impact and reach. Dispensing is straightforward and can be learned after a short training.
Eyejusters are successfully distributed alongside a range of products and services. As our glasses are desirable and offer value for money, there are also opportunities for Base-of-the-Pyramid resellers. We have identified the following example partners, both charitable and for-profit:
- Networks of micro sales entrepreneurs or travelling sales events
- General retail, both small independent outlets and larger chains
- Pharmacies and chemists
- Medical outreach services
- Educational institutes, like secondary schools, skills training, adult literacy
We’ve worked with diverse partners around the world. The ideal route to market will differ per country or region and we welcome all potential partners to contact us: info@eyejusters.com
Funding Partners
We work with various charitable partners around the world.
Our charitable funders include Karmoie: a luxurious eyewear brand and Buy-One-Give-One Company, born from the desire to combine the world of fashion, with a meaningful and life-altering contribution.

Training Materials
We provide free training and support material for those distributing in the developing world - project planning, training courses for you and your organisation, vision charts, and data collection.
To begin, read the Training Guide and use the Distance Vision Chart for reference. It is also a good idea to use the ‘How to Choose Glasses’ chart and record data with the Data Collection sheet.
Below, you’ll find a selection of additional materials available.
Question and Answer Book
Test your knowledge about the material with a set of questions and answers for (self-)assessment purposes. An example certificate of completion can be found at the back of each question book.
Project Planning
To help you organise a small vision project in the developing world, we’ve provided a basic guide to setting up small eyeglasses distribution projects, based on our own experiences.
Trainers' Notes
Our trainers' notes help make the most of the training guide. They support trainers in setting up training courses and assessing trainees.
Training Slides
These slides complement the training guide and help trainers get the key information across through a visual presentation.
Vision Charts
‘Tumbling E’ vision charts are an essential part of the dispensing process, and can be used for both literate and illiterate recipients. To provide you with clarity and confidence, both near and distance vision charts can be provided complementary to the Eyejusters training materials.
Download Near Vision Chart
Download Distance Vision Chart
Dispensers' Cheat Card
Your dispensers’ cheat card is pocket-size and laminated. It reminds you of the steps involved in providing Eyejusters – so you won’t miss a step.