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The clear alternative

No need to tilt your head back. Eyejusters offer clear adjustable focus over the full field of view, unlike traditional varifocals, multifocals or progressives.
Some over-the-counter multifocal/progressive reading glasses are now available for close-up vision needs, but none of them provide clear vision across the field of view like Eyejusters.

What's the difference?

Although both varifocals/progressives and Eyejusters offer good vision at different distances, only Eyejusters offer it over the full field of vision. The perfect focus, where you want it.

Varifocals/progressives have inherent visual distortions as the zones blend together which can make some people feel unwell. Eyejusters don't, and have low distortion all across the field of view.

Most varifocals have a very narrow zone for intermediate vision. If your work or activities come in this range, Eyejusters offer better vision.

Can Eyejusters help me?

Eyejusters are the ultimate replacement for reading glasses, but they're not designed to correct your distance vision. Take our 10-second check to see if Eyejusters are for you.

Comparing Eyejusters

EyejustersVarifocals/multifocals/progressivesNormal reading glasses
Lens type SlideLens™ - our revolutionary adjustable focus lens technology Focus varies from top to bottom Fixed focus
Vision Clear, constant focus across the field of view, at adjustable distances Visual distortions as zones of focus blend together Focus across the field of view at a fixed distance
Suitable for Computer
And many more!
Focus distance is fixed by strength of lens
Custom prescriptions available? No Yes No
Learn more about how Eyejusters can help you use one pair of glasses for everything.